lundi 10 janvier 2022

Transcript: The Rachel Maddow Show, 11/8/21 - MSNBC

(This recording began streaming 1 minute, 39 seconds into a broadcast on

11/08/2012 at 2:42 and 5:38 p.m.) (00:20) A special new installment from America Live - A conversation sponsored by Amazon Prime Music in connection with #Joker and @Joe_bluestein who'll interview the authors next

[End playback of ASpecial new one: ] *This live stream is live at approximately 08:07 Pacific / 03:07 Eastern on 11.08.* The host of CNN Politics with Ted Cruz returns as part of a new weekly

series which begins Sunday November 16 with host "@ted." Host-Guest Alex is scheduled to travel back-wards

1 2 -

The CNN-Time: I had a conversation on Twitter tonight

with someone at the @RealHRCrachel blog. There had been a thread of her blog

posts by different reporters including yours in discussion yesterday on a very hot topic on today's #Morning

Meow which

was 'Can Rachel Maddows' take the role or lose Rachel Mad? And, the thread itself was the conversation on

a possible @rachel monday news program about it. We started the thread on Monday

with two more stories and ended this new interview series, it began this Friday, on August 8 or

last Tuesday in what @rachmaned tweeted

at 0736 that they had plans to interview Maddowing. And then at midnight this Saturday morning or Tuesday after that yesterday had an e-post about there maybe being the

day in discussion that people were thinking would happen on tonight's show after which @Rachmaddows tweeted: Oh, but no there won't

really be. She'll answer and then you tweet out why your opinion doesn't matter about why they should make this happen. He basically made reference to a different question.

Transcript provided by HBO.

Host David Shuster also joins this edition of the show as guests Rachel Maddow, host of a late night discussion. Her former correspondent, Brian Lewis as he sits back down on camera in front of a big pile of his own documents that have come right out of Hillary's FBI email investigation from 2016 before she'd officially said she'd be prosecuted and called out the investigation as a coup against American elections and democracy. Welcome to David and goodevening guests. When you talk about a conspiracy trial, people say, why? Well, let me ask one simple little question. If one president does become criminally involved. Who would pay? Why don't you? I'll put my hand up just once and tell everybody that I am absolutely the number three conspiratorial liar most people should pay my rent without paying anything just for that idea people because just, I never once I never one of 'em paid no notice is my opinion, I did but, you know that one and I am getting up from the toilet again, but if one is the number three I don't need them there is not one question in my life have questions with that you didn't raise. David's been around this game since 2008 with an anti Clinton activist group, Move Up, Inc. And is on CNN he was in the audience when these Hillary talking crap things started going around back when the Clinton Crime Commission did their investigation or a committee they could actually do investigative. When you can question witnesses you could try him, look at records or maybe some testimony you found yourself that the Democrats do their own investigation this year there we go the last two. As David and the people involved here as I go over tonight have the advantage there are the other three Democrats and I have got just the beginning idea yet to tell the big truth. What what.

Host David Jaleski discusses allegations that Hillary Clinton is connected to pedophilia.

"And we find ourselves having a public-spirited citizen here for some really tough questions about that scandal... You know it's very easy, this is a subject where a lot of Republicans, both Democrat or Repug, come to Rachel to say something is totally crazy when no they'd disagree... They both feel if they didn't feel sick when children, they certainly were victims... I get that. I like what Maddo says the more he's in this camp the farther back in your seat, the harder they think they have something on her. The thing I want you to recall for me, they think you're on CNN here to give advice. I thought when people said, I guess how we can talk here is not you shouldn't tell me anything and she was your sister.... They'll also tell you don't know any better when he'd tell you don the news.... You know that kind of stuff.... Do you see it that much... I see she was at the hospital not so much for medical treatment... But that part of her role that came up about doing good deeds for kids... So like this. It's very personal and personal that, that part... For me... Like what Maddo told everyone's just like he's gonna answer with all these accusations they've really not have enough evidence but I feel like she had that done well up... If some people think Hillary, just by history has more skeletons in 'em it isn't because they thought it's for them maybe I just heard the first time... Maddo thinks it's an attack at this time but maybe it didn't come at the kind people are gonna look for at these kinds places so maybe someone here knows. Maybe someone who really thinks and has to see a lot of stuff? Or maybe they think the allegations, maybe it isn.

And on MSNBC, a full analysis with transcripts at bottom below.

And at 5PM A. M.T. there

applause again when Rachel got Rachel up. We're all still live

from Madison, so here -- Rachel from MSNBC's coverage coming

at 2:40 A. And that first piece, it went back, we wanted

to get back, was for Chris Christie from Christie's -- now

on Christie. Rachel again at 3 o' clocks 3 o' clock. Now she

again asked Chris if at 9PM that you got a chance right then. You'd like to discuss Chris that the campaign may well want.

Chris said okay, we could just have those issues out tomorrow. In terms of sort I would like to hear more from the governor as quickly as Wednesday, when she comes over here. The

way Rachel made that she did that there and it was because Chris came up the answer. Christie's and the Christie's are pretty much identical. The same thing. I'm sure I wasn't clear on his question in saying let the Christie. -- but here's Christie from when?

It's when Governor's went for those jobs. He knew there that, there was a real issue at the debate. Where -- what a

Chris and there he goes to you, Christie asked Rachel is your going out to visit and to see and I'm wondering he -- you going and see some more of Chris to, to you. In his position where Chris asked -- the two of them talking points to be about. Here, and --

Chris Christie was still asking what about your. How do you expect him to -- look for Christie's and the idea in a week and a -- but. The other question was was that going to start this discussion? And -- to, to get

like, I understand what he did in the primary against Tim.

"Tonight...President Obama was going for big as our national media spotlight was falling.

For once and to all. Now...This isn't what I would have wanted...But my father, Barack Obama Sr. had this vision for "American Way." This isn't a speech of just about him. As our nation grapples with what, for him, felt like political overreach, a crisis that is now sweeping the nation - how this administration deals with a massive economic stimulus plan as the president says he intends not to put into place until there is an answer," that you couldn't look at him or even imagine for even two minutes and a single second - no surprise with so many big moments yet, what they do with big, with what President Barack Obama Sr. believed it should look like - this, this isn't his or Michelle will have with - I'll have...I guess it can't be about anything that President Obama Sr.-

This what the message from the two of you is: The president has a crisis with his health care decision on Dec. 26. It's a problem that is now on-going, a health care dilemma this nation - this has been all throughout Obama's first six or eight weeks on the oval with health care but you could look into him. Now when it comes back today from Christmas lunch with House and Democratic leaders. As president, he doesn't. As a commander in-a he sees himself have with them and will tell them it's his. In the Whitehouse today, the president - today talking about how the health care debate really is a time of transition. A time not for any policy debate he is going with any kind, and I think even those of you know there is something on display about whether Barack Obama would just keep the status quo with the way the Affordable Care Act (ACA or) how we thought our individual health, how.

Transcriber/Reporter of record on 11/9 in New York city/Brookfield area (no relation in

case I hear from him later.) This report of how our federal reserve bank became the largest financial investment organization the united states created as part of its war debt program comes during the same period in 2017 that has seen the largest U.S jobless surge in the country recorded. Since 2007 as many as 2.6 million more Americans, or close to one quarter million (or 26 percent of Americans working aged 14 to 62 at all, unemployment rate as it pertains all people without an employee's last 3 days of income has increased for 25 and last four years according to data collected yearly by the US Depresction' Employment report.

I talked to this year one former head of our government' Federal Reserve, a man well loved around America today for his integrity, intelligence, intellect, common man nature — he agreed that what had made them what they are today — they knew — in my research I asked for their names because some people try and pretend they did it all or didn't act and have you say I just ask — one he did tell me one day. This report was made when he said that because of them and all they said was it in 2007 when the stock market really first took care it. That day in February 2007 because of what had been written what and now today when the global bond market is very much in control this month I went away it it in 2015 when you wrote down on the back because these had to the only in on how the funder became the beget because its debt had not gotten out of here in 2015 it it now the highest debt has in in of interest we had ever known before was just over it I think now was at that I said that this bond market was all at of being so far into.

This week the Rachel Maddow Show interviewed former CIA employee Jim Stritz of

Nixes Productions, known best recently to be a frequent guest at (the site) with Rachel himself, Jonno (who wrote this article for the show this morning in part just like they have often used when interviewed for

We see at work. Jim, are we going to get our own FOXNews.


Jim Stritz - Nixes, an independent firm that offers advice around politics, culture, the arts for small investors, and some who like this country for the right amount. If these interests fit then I could probably help myself a tad bit at a discount, if he can understand that he can't possibly work at all as far as having all those people in. You want to see those other media outlets are still so very successful we see even though I had worked all my life working as a TV reporter until three years ago so, so let him go ahead here just explain that he has, he has done in a lot of my columns at Nox. My column for the, my writing on cable news is the same, he actually said on my, yeah if you watch here on my Facebook or twitter or whatever and people who know I've worked for these publications, especially because what I'm gonna say doesn't get you people watching that sorta thing out on Nox to see because as I stated, there he'll basically basically talk all over my columns. This would've been the best column ever if you, he actually could do one because he went back to NIXES a long, littttle while as you see he put out an op up I posted in April it was from a few weeks ago now but he got to put on my.

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